Spotlight: Medicare Poster 

I created this poster for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee in 2012. The original Ryan Budget introduced 2011 was framed as "the end of Medicare as we know it" so portraying  the 2012 version as a sequel to a horror movie felt apt. 

This fit in with overall media strategy. “Here they go again — House Republicans protecting the ultra-wealthy at the expense of Medicare and higher health care costs for seniors,” said Jesse Ferguson, a spokesman for the DCCC. “Republican Budget Chairman Paul Ryan made crystal clear they won’t back away from this ideological crusade to dismantle Medicare that seniors have paid into for a lifetime and depended on for generations.”

 I originally designed this as a graphic to accompany a press release, but it was so popular, that I turned it into a poster that was printed and sold online. It was featured on ABC's This Week and The Charlie Rose Show.